Welcome to Hilarius,the forest of dogs

Koirametsä Hilarius is a fenced forest area of about one hectare in Salo, Halikko. In our forest you can let your dog run and play freely, in a safe and narutal environment.In the dog forest, you can give the dog the opportunity to move and explore nature completely freely. All dogs have species-specific needs that they should be able to fulfill. Such needs include, for example, smelling, carrying sticks and digging in the ground. And of course, running freely is one of the important behavioral needs of dogs, and the dog forest perfectly meets these needs!

Koirametsä is suitable for all dogs, including those who for one reason or another cannot go to public dog parks, because there is no fear of encountering other dogs.
We have always prepared a transition time of at least five minutes (5 min.) between reservations. This way we are better able to ensure unnecessary encounters between other dogs.
That's why it's important to get there just before the start of your shift, so that the previous ones can leave in peace. If you are there too early, please wait your turn in the car or on the right side of the outbuilding, on the side facing the field.
Please note that dogs must always be kept on a leash outside the fenced area. Free creaking may only start from the inside of the gate. Moving in the dog forest is the user's own responsibility. Possible accidents, such as slipping, tripping and other usual risks in the forest, for both dogs and people, should be taken into account.
To make cleanliness easier, we have placed more trash cans and cleaning tools for dog droppings in the forest.
We hope that all users use these in their own turn, thus keeping the area pleasant for everyone.
The dog forest has a dry toilet and a barbecue shed. You can rent a grill for your use, however only for reservations of more than 2 hours, this way we make sure that the fire is not left unattended when the rental period ends. Please note the weather conditions. Starting a fire is always the responsibility of the lighter.
The yard area is lit, also from the side of the dog park. In the dark, however, we recommend taking flashlights with you if you feel like going further into the forest.